Alecia Nikol

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Anxious, Any?

New Year’s often brings new things…excitement, anticipation, hope and a fresh start. At the start of a New Year…what a lot of people don’t publicize is that the New Year can have a flip side. For many people, the New Year brings new anxieties. For others, anxiety follows them year around.

So many people live in a constant state of anxiety…they suffer in silence. According to my dear friend Webster, anxiety is “distress or uneasiness of mind caused by fear of danger or misfortune”. It robs us of the beauty of life. Ravishes our purpose. Can’t eat, sleep or even think straight. Life is clouded. The lens in which you perceive everything is distorted. Distorted by what’s unknown. Anxiety is a byproduct of what we cannot see or control. You can’t fully appreciate anything while you are anxious.

There is a show that comes on National Geographic that is beyond’s called “Brain Games”. They recently played a marathon which included an episode called “Don’t Be Afraid”. It talked about how your body and brain reacts to fear. A part of the show quoted the following:

“Anxiety can occur whenever you are unable to confirm whether a threat is false or real and your imagination begins running through worst case scenarios…”

We are cautioned to guard ourselves against anxiousness for a reason. It has adverse effects on our physical, mental and emotional health.

There’s levels to this. A healthy sense of anxiousness can spur you to needed action. I don’t know anyone who enjoys the feeling of anxiety. It quite literally can make you feel sick. Thus for most of us, when we begin to feel that daunting feeling, we quickly seek for immediate solutions. Answers become urgent. This can be a good thing. It can put heat under lazy feet – causing action that is necessary. On the flip side, impulsiveness can take over. Impulse is usually unruly and unwise.

Decisions, decisions. Time’s a ticking…and with each tick…the lingering sense of anxiety is ripping through your heart, mind and body.

The phone rings – it’s the unexpected call that sends your world into an instant state of catastrophe. You have been avoiding them like the plague…and doing a darn good job…you could finally breathe again because you felt a sense of relief. All that “poof, poof be gone” you have conjured up in your mind seemed to work – you’ve got magic. Then…they just happen to be walking through the same store as you. That conversation you selectively determined to dismiss…can no longer be put off. You’re in desperate need of financial stability and provision – you’ve been laid off, and incessantly looking for jobs…to no avail. That thing that you thought you had all figured out and then the bottom drops out…along with the pit of your stomach. That dreaded bill that you know you don’t have the money for…it greets you at your door after a long, hard day’s work. You were so sure you chose the right one to be your mate…after all…you were careful in your selection, you waited, you prayed, you heard God…or so you thought…now all of a sudden you don’t even recognize who they are. You did what you were supposed to do – or at least what you were taught, and what society says is right - spent tens of thousands of dollars to earn a degree…you graduate…excited, with a sense of anticipation - ready to take on the world. You put in application after application, you do your best networking….your phone has yet to ring. You open your mail and email…and all that’s in your box are letters that read “Thank you for applying, however…” – that’s if you’re even given the consideration of notification. You get up early, come home late – spend most of your time a job that you hate….it’s personal prison…you’re determined to get out…but don’t know how…you need the money…You want more out of life but don’t even know where to start to get it. This is not what you signed up for. Your expectation was quite different.

Constant stomach aches, headaches, lack of focus. Inability to efficiently function in your day to day activities. Sweaty palms, a constant feeling of doom and gloom. 500 million thoughts…some that make sense, some that are incomprehensible…others that lead you back to previous thoughts and questions. A merry-go-round that leads to nothing. Appetites of only things to numb the relentless thoughts of what if…how do I…where do I…how could they…

That lingering feeling won’t give out. Your life. In an instant – or over time…ravished. Anxiety has sent you into a space in which you don’t know how to recover.

What to do?

1.       Stop.

2.       Consider the issue.

3.       What can you do to remedy the matter with what is in your possession? Whatever you can do - do it.

4.       Speak silence to your heart and mind.

5.       Pray this prayer:

“Father, creator of the universe, God who sees and knows all, thank you for your word that says you won’t put more on me than I can bear. Thank you for the privilege of being able to cast my cares on you. In this moment I call upon the Prince of Peace to guard my heart and mind. You were aware this moment was coming far before I even experienced it. Lord, make a way out of no way and provide me with everything that I need to accomplish what has been set before me. Jehovah Jireh (God who supplies), supply my every need. Thank you that you are faithful and your promises are yes and amen. Just as you calmed the winds and the waves of the sea, speak a word of silence into my life. Thank you that I can rest in you because you have it all under control. Amen.”

6.       Reassure yourself that you have done all that you can. It is now God’s turn to do his part.

7.       Remember – everything that happens in this life, happens with the permission of God—even the temptations and wiles of the enemy—God is in control of him too…

8.       Get some sleep, then continue to do what you can.

9.       Repeat when necessary.

We all feel anxiety at one point or another…welcome to this thing called life. However, we as believers and followers of Christ have promises – we have authority that trumps any emotion or challenge we could ever encounter. So rest. And be anxious for nothing. God is in control.

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7)

Funny thing is…I began writing this yesterday (Wednesday February 4, 2015)…and the above scripture was the verse of the day on YouVersion…I didn’t see it until after I began writing. I took it as confirmation that God wants us to live life at ease…some of us walk around so uptight because anxiety has boxed us in. Be free. And enjoy life. Even in the midst of your situation. It’s possible. With Him, all things are possible.

Stay tuned…Tootles.