Alecia Nikol

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Freedom Song

Freedom Song

Well hello world!! Of all the millions of people who blog...why join the masses? Simple. I have something to say, and my perspective like my fingerprint is unique! I have been told for years that I have a way with words, so I have finally decided to give--one of the gifts that was given to me. I owe it to you, myself and to the one who gave me the gift.

I am a lover of many things. God. Family. Friends. Music. Dance. Fashion. People and relationships. Life. Real. (And much more as you will see as time progresses!!)

Writing makes me feel good. Free. I am a very transparent person and open for all types of dialogue with you my (hopeful) readers. I hope you will rock with me and I hope you will enjoy :-)

With that being said...Alecia is the name and these are the makings of me (via some of my favorite songs):

"I'm a work in progress; I'm a seed growin' into a flower...God knows I ain't perfect; Tell me who in the world is?..."

-Brandy "Camouflage"

"Thinkin' of a master plan..." (ALWAYS)

-Rakim "Paid in Full"

"...Even if your hands are shaking and your faith is broken; even as the eyes are closing, do it with a heart wide open...say what you need to say..."

-John Mayer "Say"

"Success is my only option, failure's not...feet fail me not, this may be the only opportunity I got"

-Eminem "Lose Yourself"

"Repeat after me it's only one rule: I will not lose!"

-Jay Z "Change the Game"

Just a little fun dusting off of the surface of me!

There is freedom in knowing we aren't perfect. We will never be perfect. Working toward best...yes, but we humans will never reach perfection. We make mistakes! My imperfections have haunted me. They even caused me to go back and forth on if I should even start a blog. So, I'm choosing to soar in my imperfections and share it with you. Freedom comes by way of the truth--and truth flaws make me....ME.

A wise person coined the saying "Done is better than perfect"...must be something to this thing called imperfection--flaws.

I promise to keep it fresh. Free. True. All heart.

Share my world. Stay tuned....Tootles.