Alecia Nikol

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Nothing & Everything

In this photo we can only clearly see one thing.  How foreign? We live in a fast paced, multi-dimensional, multi-faceted culture that pulls our hearts, our minds, our desires, our attention, our convictions, our values, our commitments—and don’t forget our pockets—in a million different directions all at one time.  There’s always another choice—this often times, renders us qualitatively ineffective in many areas of life.   

 There are many other things in the photo, but the scope through which we see them has been adjusted in a way that our primary focus is on the thing that is growing.  Of course we can’t walk around life on a day-to-day basis with no awareness or regard for the things that are present around us—that would be foolish.  However, what we can do is make sure that those things don’t consume and cancel out the thing or things that are most important.   Priorities and precedence shifts with seasons.  As the seasons change, adjust your lens—and grow anyways. 

 Life.  It happens.  And it moves darn fast.

You had a rough couple semesters in school.  Life was crashing in on you, causing your motivation to slip.  Prophet Dre’ said “never let me slip, cause if I slip, then I’m slipplin’." Your motivation along with your GPA….slippin’….slipped…slunk and flunked.  Shortly after your down season, you get your mojo back.  You go into each class with the determination to make good grades.  There’s only tens of thousands of dollars and your life at stake.  Two to three consecutive semesters of above average GPA’s pass.  You take a look at your cumulative GPA, confident that your hard work has had to give some type of positively substantial bump to your GPA.  Sincere disappointment and frustration grips your heart…the progress that you have made just doesn’t seem to be enough.  Your hard work in that moment feels like nothing and everything.  Nothing, because it seems insignificant—a 1 foot step up a 1,000 foot mountain— .001% of progress.  How seemingly menial.  Yet everything, because you did it—you made a wise decision and took a courageous step forward.  After all, the way to win life is one wise decision and one courageous action at a time. 

In your life, dysfunction was the norm—it was so normal that you didn’t even realize it was dysfunction.  As you developed, and were exposed to other and contrary environments, you had an epiphany—you grew up in chaos. Imagine that.  You come into an understanding that your routine way of thinking, doing and being must be adjusted.  Recalibration is necessary.  Families—that actually talk to each other AND enjoy each other’s company—what is that…why is that?  Well, since you done slipped up and now have a family of your own—including a spouse, you might want to figure it out…quick.  The strides that you take, learning to show affection, learning to be more vulnerable and open, learning how to be present…just don’t quite seem to be enough for your spouse and others.  Nothing and everything.  Nothing, because no matter what you do, you just can’t seem to please the people you desire and aim to please the most.  Everything, because you were wise and aware enough to realize you need change.  Everything, because you were courageous enough to embark upon a journey of change. 

 Your story may be different with similar themes—but you get the picture.

 Growth (change), often starts small—an idea, a conversation in passing, a passion, a desire, an injustice, an emotion, etc.  In the grand scheme of things, often our experience seems so insignificant, but it’s necessary. If we remain consistent, it can change the whole landscape of our lives, our families, our communities—our world. 

 Consider a forest fire.  Such a small spark becomes a force that’s tough to reckon with.  

 Consider our Savior—the champion of heaven and earth, who graced our presence as a small little baby.

 “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin…” Zechariah 4:10

 As I look at this photo…I see nothing and everything.  In comparison to how vast the counterparts of the photo are, this little spit of growth looks like nothing.  Perspective is reality.  Proper perspective says…no matter how seemingly small the growth, continue to water it, give it the necessary light, nurture it, feed it.  Continue to push, even when the forecast looks dreary—even when the forecast is dreary—even when the reality is chaotic and reckless.  Forward movement is the goal.  Manage you.  Steward you.  Don’t get stuck only seeing the small.  Don’t’ get stuck in the nothing.  Develop a negative into a positive picture and keep growing.  Find the “everything”—there’s a crown to win. 

 Who knows…that baby sprout could grow to be a mighty oak tree.  Either way, it’s gonna grow, anyway.

See you on the flipside.

 Stay Tuned…Tootles.