Alecia Nikol

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You, Me & He

There was a popular song back in the 80’s by Mtume “You, Me and He…what we gonna do baby?”  I don’t know if yal know about that good music, but when it struck me to write this blog…this song immediately popped into my head.  The song is about infidelity and indiscretion.  You ever have a hard time discerning the voice of God?  Ever got to the place where you had allowed so many people and outside opinions to cloud your thought process that you didn’t know up from down?!!  Can’t tell your own voice, from that of others…that of others, from the voice of almighty God--our shepherd.  Not able to discern the beginning from the end. Just baffled. The word of God clearly says that his sheep know his voice.  There have been days where I questioned whether I was a part of God’s flock because I had trouble discerning his voice. 

 So thirsty for answers that I went running from person to person trying to receive solutions for my issues…Relational indiscretion.  Infidelity.  God wanted me to run to Him.  But I stepped outside of our relationship...for whatever reason HE wasn’t good enough.  Us humans are wired to thirst for answers.  Don't believe me...ask Adam and Eve. This perfectly mystical and euphoric Garden of Eden…out of nowhere, for no reason…wasn’t good enough for them. They need information from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  They yearned for more.  They needed answers.  Thus the apple was bitten.  The rest is history.  History that we presently live.

 I went through a period of silence…between me and others.  Not because I didn’t trust them—my family, friends, and sometimes anyone who I felt would listen --but because I had to learn to trust HIM.  Not long after that period, I began to experience God in a unique way.  To this day, when I discern God…I count it a privilege…a high honor.  When I hear him clearly…deep in my spirit…often confirmed by outside, random sources…I call those experiences “Sweet Something’s”…

After hearing God's voice, fear and doubt slip in every once in a while...I’m a flawed human…what can I say.  But when I know that God has spoken to my spirit…after the fear and doubt subside, my conviction of God’s specific word to me…stands.

 A quick story, or should I say... a Sweet Something:

 Last week, it was impressed upon my heart to pray for an old prayer request.  One that I had set to the side.  So I have been praying.  This morning I received an encouraging email from one of my beautifully spirited co-workers.  In the email, my co-worker stated that they were up very early and God place me on their heart—said they were praying specifically for this situation/prayer I had sat to the side.  They attached a devotion and said it was their prayer for me.  The devotion was about the importance of waiting, trusting and hoping.  The very last sentence of the devotion said “keep your antennae out to pick up even the faintest glimmer of my presence”. In less fancy words…listen for my voice…even the still small whisper.  There were scripture references at the end.  The wording of the last scripture threw me off…I was having difficulty understanding it.  So I opened my Bible app and read it in various versions.  Often when I don’t understand one verse, I go back to the beginning of the thought of that passage—to the beginning of that specific section.  So I did.  The title of that section was “The Certainty of God’s Promise”.  As I read the passage over and over, I understood what the one scripture meant.

 After reading that email…I prayed.  I prayed a prayer I’ve prayed for years.  A prayer I have prayed because HE told me to!!  One that I prayed so much with no result, that I just semi-gave up and sat to the side.  I asked God to just do it.  I asked Him to not allow me to look foolish…people are watching.  Maybe not watching for failure, but with skeptical eyes. There’s just so much at risk…with this specific request.  I told God…I believe Him, but I’m scared.  And once more, I begged He just DO IT!

 After my prayer, I decided to read my personal daily devotion.  I missed yesterday…so I read yesterday’s devotion.  And God provided me with today's daily bread.  The scripture base was Matthew 7:7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”  And the title of my devotion was “Waiting Expectantly”…(I will post the devotion for you to see).  Not too long after that, another co-worker of mine called me and specifically asked me about the same situation. 

 I had my antennae up…God was speaking to me.  I heard His voice.  He reminded me that He sees me.  He whispered to me to hold on.  He’s coming.  He hasn’t forgotten.

 When we position ourselves to hear God…making space mentally and emotionally for Him…we then will be able to hear.  Sometimes we go through periods when God is on some type of vow of silence (I’ve been there too).  But more often than that, we believe He isn’t speaking because we aren’t in appropriate posture to hear.  Ask Him to speak and reveal his voice to you…then you do your part…silence everything and everyone and tune in to almighty God.  Take heed to wise advice, but strive to know God’s voice for yourself!! 

 We owe God our fidelity…don’t get stuck listening to “You, Me & HE”...focus on HE.

 Lastly, I want to encourage anyone who is in this darn waiting room with me!!!  Whatever God has set in front of you, while you’re waiting…work on it.  Turn that waiting room into a work room.  Before we know it…our God will show up promise in hand.  If He's nothing else...He's faithful.  Chin up! 

Stay Tuned…Tootles.