Hearts of Lions

My mother is a wordsmith—she wastes not her educational pursuits and experiences.  When she was in disbelief that someone had the nerve to do or say something…she would use one of two phrases: “I can’t believe he/she had the pure, unadulterated, gall….” Or “I can’t believe he/she had the gumption…” Ma’am, what is a gall and a gumption?...And where did you learn these words??…I am 8 years old…I don’t know these things?!!!  Needless to say...to the dictionary I went…and I bet…to the dictionary some of you go…ha!  What she was saying was “how dare they?”...Whatever it was that happened, took courage, boldness and audacity…in some cases…downright craziness!  Sometimes, defending what you believe in is going to look and feel crazy.  Don’t believe me…let’s ask Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego…they straight up looked like some fools—until their made up mind—paid off.

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego had been stripped of everything they knew—including their birth names.  The one thing they still had, the one thing they still valued above all else, the one thing that they clung to—was their God—the one true living God.  Living in a culture where pretty much anything went, they understood the power of a made up mind.  Shortly after being removed from their home and taken into captivity, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were faced with a dilemma.  The king whose reign they were living under (king Nebuchadnezzar), decided he wanted the nation to worship his god, so he had a 90 foot gold statue built.  He first summoned all of the influential & persons of prominence, and then the inhabitants of his kingdom, to come and behold his great creation.  It was kinda like musical chairs, with your life on the line—when the music plays, you make a good move, or you lose.  The command from the king was for all people to bow and worship the statue when the music played, or else…and the “or else” meant death by way of a fiery burning furnace.  This news put the Hebrew boys in a bit a predicament—the God they served was/is jealous and requires sole commitment.  One in this scenario would think there were only 2 options—well, 2 options, and only one that would spare their lives—worship or burn.  Those audacious Hebrew boys knew better.  Imagine…standing in the midst of the masses of people, the king’s eyes and ears watching to ensure compliance to the command that holds your life line…the music plays.  Person after person, falling to their knees in submission to the king’s request.  As each one bows, it clears the way to see 3 people still standing—Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.

Word got back to the king that there were 3 outlaws, and he summoned them.  The king gave the 3 Hebrew boys another chance to fulfill his request (sidenote: temptation is not short or stingy with handing out another chance…if your foundation is firm, you won’t be swayed…but that’s another blog).  Back to the story…their response to the king supported their initial actions, “…King Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter.   If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand.   But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.”  Talk about a made up mind.  Exemplary examples of gall and gumption (I get it mom…I get it).  My Pastor would call it intestinal fortitude.  Something on the inside that is so firm, so solid—it will not bow—not even in the most tempting, vulnerable and challenging of situations.  We’ve all heard the old saying “stand for something or you’ll fall for anything”. Corny and played out like a broken record, it’s a foundational truth.  Make up your mind or live in a perpetual state of being blown like the wind.  When you choose—you get to live for you.  When you fail to choose and stand in that choice—you subsequently live as a mental, and emotional slave to any and every thing and one.

Just because something has been erected, doesn’t mean you have to bow to it.  Monuments of normalcy (that aren’t always aligned with truth) are constantly being built all around us—we build the majority of them.  Just because they exist does not mean that they have to take precedence in our lives!  The power of choice…the power of knowing who and what belongs in what places in your life. Priorities.  Boundaries.  A made up mind.  Friendships, romantic relationships, finances, vocation, family, education, purpose—these are all things that require our attention and our wise decisions--these are all things that require us to build some intestinal fortitude like the 3 Hebrew boys.  We have to stop compromising and bending over every time another option is presented to us. Stand tall.  Stand strong.  Be still and know…that the God who you serve will deliver you…He will sustain you…He will protect you…He will provide for you…He will cover you…He will give you what is best….IF you don’t bow, standing tall for Him and Him alone.  A double minded man is unstable in ALL his ways—double-mindedness is a flaw that seeps into every area, deteriorating our quality of life.

In the end, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were thrown into a fiery furnace that was turned up 7 times hotter than the normal temperature.  A fourth being appeared in the fire and was walking with them—that would be the one who ALWAYS rescues us…the one who ALWAYS walks with us…the one who ALWAYS causes us to win…God Almighty.  Nebuchadnezzar was amazed and called for them to come out—the 3 boys walked out of the fire without a singe, or even the smell or fire or smoke.  Made up minds of 3 boys caused the king of a nation to bow at their feet in reverence to the God who they stood for.  Their willingness to stand eventually brought them promotion. The king promoted Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego—a made up mind will always eventually bring elevation.  It’s risky, and it’s only for the strong-hearted. Ironically enough, these 3 boys were from the tribe of Judah—they had hearts of lions.  What’s in your heart?  Fear that buckles your knees, runs through your feet, causing you to flee…or courage that will cause you to stand firm & strong, sustaining you to the day of elevation?

To use a fusion of words from one of my favorite movies The Wood…while you’re mackin’ & hangin’ your way through life…take heart lil homies :-)  Hearts of lions.

Choose today, the things you want tomorrow.  Choose wisely.  Choose courageously.

Stay Tuned…Tootles.


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