A mix of sophistication and sass, I tell stories in a way that challenge, inspire, and bear truth. At the intersection of faith + life, my posts are encouraging and stretching - we all need some accountability.

Faith, Blog Alecia Swoope Faith, Blog Alecia Swoope

Soar Space

Everything that flies has wings. Everything that has wings, needs space to spread them. Wings vary from color, shape, size and pace. The type of wings that gets one person from place to place may look drastically different than another set of wings that serve the same purpose – flight.

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Faith, Blog Alecia Swoope Faith, Blog Alecia Swoope

Happy Shifting

Quarantine, oh quarantine. The levels of frenzy, fear, panic, grief, uncertainty & unrest that our nation has experienced in these past several months have been upending for many: families displaced, jobs lost, incomes squelched, loss and grief, illness and death. Interruption on all levels.

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Disappointment, Blog Alecia Swoope Disappointment, Blog Alecia Swoope

Know Better Blues

Have you ever known something to be true but weren’t quite sure how you knew? The source of the knowledge was so intangible and obscure, that the information was easy to dismiss. In reality, that truth doesn’t disappear just because we don’t acknowledge it.

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Blog Alecia Swoope Blog Alecia Swoope

Love Evolution

I was an 18-year-old freshman, visiting home from my out of town college ventures. I decided to reconnect with hometown friends for a night on the town; mackin’, hangin’, laughing, and doin’ what young adults do.

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Faith, Blog Alecia Swoope Faith, Blog Alecia Swoope

Anxious, Any?

According to my dear friend Webster, anxiety is “distress or uneasiness of mind caused by fear of danger or misfortune”. It robs us of the beauty of life. Ravishes our purpose. Can’t eat, sleep or even think straight. Life is clouded.

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Blog Alecia Swoope Blog Alecia Swoope

The Prototype

"I contribute the success of our marriage to our ability to adhere to and submit to loving each other how love is defined in the Bible". That statement gave me pause. “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails….” (1 Cor. 13:4-8 NIV)

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Blog Alecia Swoope Blog Alecia Swoope

Improving Your Focus

Although the subject is the focal point, the focus feature is less about the subject and more about the space and distance around the subject. The surroundings of any subject can either enhance or diminish its purpose.

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Disappointment, Faith, Blog Alecia Swoope Disappointment, Faith, Blog Alecia Swoope

Blind Works

Today, I saw something brand new – something dark in me was enlightened. In the bible times, blindness was completely debilitating. There were no modern or technological advancements such as braille, things that talk and help guide you, walking sticks, etc.

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Disappointment, Faith, Blog Alecia Swoope Disappointment, Faith, Blog Alecia Swoope

Nothing & Everything

In this photo we can only clearly see one thing. How foreign? We live in a fast paced, multi-dimensional, multi-faceted culture that pulls our hearts, our minds, our desires, our attention, our convictions, our values, our commitments—and don’t forget our pockets—in a million different directions all at one time.

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Faith, Blog Alecia Swoope Faith, Blog Alecia Swoope

Hearts of Lions

My mother is a wordsmith—she wastes not her educational pursuits and experiences. When she was in disbelief that someone had the nerve to do or say something…she would use one of two phrases: “I can’t believe he/she had the pure, unadulterated, gall….” Or “I can’t believe he/she had the gumption…” Ma’am, what is a gall and a gumption?...And where did you learn these words??

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Blog Alecia Swoope Blog Alecia Swoope

Don't Look, You'll Find

I can't tell you how many days I have had to sit myself down, quiet my emotions and literally wreck my brain trying to figure out how to stop "looking". I have thought myself into circles, passing the same thoughts, ideas and questions - several too many times. I had to think outside the box--multiples circles--that may have finally landed me to a triangular thought that pointed me to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit....

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Blog Alecia Swoope Blog Alecia Swoope

Womanly Whispers

School of the Hard Knocks—often referred to “experience” is loud, rambunctious, and sometimes destructive—an assortment of piercing screams. Experience has a price—sometimes one that’s not worth it. Although laced with mistakes, failures and unwise decisions, I am not ashamed of my past because it has truly shaped me to be who I am today.

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Faith, Blog Alecia Swoope Faith, Blog Alecia Swoope

You, Me & He

There was a popular song back in the 80’s by Mtume “You, Me and He…what we gonna do baby?” I don’t know if yal know about that good music, but when it struck me to write this blog…this song immediately popped into my head. The song is about infidelity and indiscretion.

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Blog Alecia Swoope Blog Alecia Swoope

Dukes Up

Who said that the words love and fight don’t belong together?! As a matter of fact, I would venture to say that love is a state of being and or feeling for fighters only.

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Faith, Identity, Blog Alecia Swoope Faith, Identity, Blog Alecia Swoope

21 Questions

Who? What? Where? When? Why? There comes a time in life that we all battle these questions. Truth is, these questions barely scratch the surface of the the things that we ponder on a daily basis.

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