Dukes Up

Who said that the words love and fight don’t belong together?!   As a matter of fact, I would venture to say that love is a state of being and or feeling for fighters only.

The rate of divorce in our country has totally spiraled out of control.  Not to mention those who are married on paper but divorced in life….broken.   According to 2008 statistics, our country’s divorce rate for first time marriages is 50%.  That is astonishing.  At least it should be.  We have become so desensitized to dysfunction.  This is problematic.  We make time to complain, but never time to fight to change what we complain about.

 Irreconcilable differences.  That is the reason most commonly stated for divorce.  This is simply (in most matters…marriage or not) another term for easy street.  Easy street simply says “I don’t feel like this anymore”…so I will just walk away, ignore the issue at hand, irresponsibly allow anger to explode, lie, deflect, blame others, etc….anything to take the pressure off me.  Love is no place for “me”.  Possibly that’s why the fight doesn’t happen….

Real knock down, throw down fights tend to happen when someone or something has been threatened….someone or something outside of “me”.  Love and relationship requires that same tenacity…from all parties involved.  No one person is perfect, but relationship that is consistently laced with lies, manipulation, disrespect, abuse of all kinds, deception, cheating…is one where someone is not a fighter, but a wimp. 

A cliché word of advice:   “Anything worth having is worth fighting for”.  Sounds corny right?  Corny it may be, but true.  Nothing of value comes without a fight.  So if you really want it…put ya dukes up.  Love and relationship was the ultimate gift that was given to us.  We should protect it with everything in us, and when threatened….pounce like a mother lion protecting her young.

Maybe some choose not to fight because they don’t know what they are fighting for.  A word to the wise:  choose wisely, choose clearly….so that you can love freely and fight with passion.

When in the process of transforming “me’s” into a “we”…there will be tension.  Period.  Sometimes the fight will be between the “me’s”, but the goal should always be to protect the “we”.

If you are single…be that…and be clear on your intentions with anyone who you initiate or fall into some type of relational exchange.  Sometimes hurt in relationships is inevitable….but don’t irresponsibly leave carnage of the heart behind as you move forward.  Stop dragging people along your personal quest to simply satisfy the “me” in you.  Wimp status.  You see, because maturity and responsibility is a part of the fight.  Our flesh goes against this very principle.  Our flesh yearns to live every inch of life on easy street…life with no fight.  But easy street leads to destruction. 

We fight for everything else…our education, our careers, our ministries, our quest to make money, cars, clothes, etc…those things fade.  True love is everlasting.  Let’s fight for something that matters.

Make a decision and stick with it. Commitment.  Fight for it. 

After all, the fight would be a little more bearable if you have the right ones fighting for and with you. 

Ecclesiastes 4:12: “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.  A cord of three strands is not quickly broken”.  The third being in this equation is God…the way, the truth and the life.

Truth is…truth wins.  Sucka attacks are running quite rampant…protect yourself.  Get truth and conviction in you, so you can fight.  Put ya dukes up!

I leave you with a song by Ryan Leslie, “Worth the Fight”…hear the words…hear his heart.  Hear my heart.  Let’s fight this good fight…and protect the gift that was so graciously given to us--love & relationship.  Check the link out.  Peace.


Stay tuned…Tootles.


Forget Me Nots


21 Questions