Forget Me Nots

Holidays can be hard on many people. This blog is dedicated to those who are pressing through challenging times this season. There is light in every situation...even if it can't be seen until you reach the other side. there any power in them or are they simply a meaningless, routine part of life? What good are they? How can they be used to our advantage? If we're honest...memorization is the means to which most of us matriculated through school!  After the test, after the degree or diploma a lot of information is lost. Some is carried with us throughout the remainder of our lives. But of what is carried with us, what is put to practical use?

Memories are powerful.They have the potential to lift our heads, give us courage, remind us of what to do, and often what not to do. They have the potential to soothe us, and even to send us into a downward spiral--a break down. They can instantly change our moods. Emotions are powerful in and of themselves, but anything that can shift our emotions is a force to be reckoned with. Every memory has an emotion attached to emotion that is not to be forgotten...use it to your future advantage. All the experiences that create our memories are life lessons...Forget Me Nots (FMN).  

This activity is gonna call for some introspection, honesty, and participation!!!  Here's the challenge:

Make a list of pivotal memories--ones you will never forget --and pinpoint one thing from each memory that you will build on in the future. The Bible states that we overcome [experience victory] by the word of our testimony.  That simply means there is power in sharing our experiences. So, if you are willing, please COMMENT on this post and share one of your FMN experiences!!!  To comment, scroll to the bottom of the post, click "comment", scroll to the bottom then write away!!!  It takes no time at all :-)

Here's my judgments lol:

1. Road tripping...with negative money in the bank, a half tank of gas (expecting it to be enough to land me to my destination safely), intently watching my gas needle drop lower and lower.  Less than a quarter tank of gas, 20 minutes past the Alabama state line with NO civilization in sight, GPS quoting me 2 1/2 more hours to drive..........I never shall forget. 

#FMN:  I resolve to be a good steward of my finances and resources and to plan thoughtfully for the future.

2. (My Stomach):  fork, knife and spoon in hand--staring in the mirror licking her lips ready to eat herself....

(Me):  Scrambling around my room, emptying every pocket, every coin jar, every purse...looking for spare change to buy some  ramen noodles or some other impoverished delicacy....I never shall forget. 

#FMN:  I resolve to be grateful for the small things and stop complaining...things could always be worse.  

4.  Experiencing a man as a true gentleman...excited because it was refreshing...I felt like such a lady....feminine and loved as God created us to be...yet hurting because in todays world...that exchange is so lacking....I never shall forget. 

#FMN:  I resolve to raise my children (to the best of my ability) to be perfect gentlemen and/or ladies. 

5.  Champagne taste on a water budget...but making it work.....I never shall forget. 

#FMN:  I resolve to work with what I have.  After all...necessity is the mother of invention.

6.  Giving everything, receiving nothing....Feeling empty with no replenishment 

insight......I never shall forget. 

#FMN:  I resolve to give to others (the way they wish to receive) as I would want others to give to me.  Selfless.  Generous.  

7.  Having an extended encounter with someone who is a representation of all of my weaknesses, challenges, idiosyncrasies,  and proclivities. I am staring my "dark side" in the face.  Making me question myself "do I act like thiiiiiis?"....I see me, looking from the outside in.  I see my extreme me. 

#FMN:  I resolve to constantly allow God to search me and remove anything not like him.  I will also remain painfully aware of how I treat others, how I make them feel, and the impression I give them. 

8.  Broken hearted from broken promises, unfavorable situations and people...pillow soaked with tears. Parched in a desert land.  Hurt, empty and tired....with no visible end in sight.....I never shall forget. 

#FMN:  Put my hope, confidence and trust in no man; Only God because only He can do all things but fail.  Guard my heart with all diligence and at all costs. 

9.   Looking into my nieces eyes. Joy unspeakable. 

#FMN:  Life is so much more. More than we could ever imagine. Live life beyond my circumstance. Live life beyond me.  Push...for more. 

Our experiences shape us and mold us into who we are, yet we are constantly re-creating ourselves. Who is it that you wish to be? In the words of Lauryn Hill, "develop a negative into a positive picture". 

Forgotten experiences are worthless.  

Build your best you from your "forget me nots" #FMN...

Stay tuned...Tootles


You, Me & He


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