A mix of sophistication and sass, I tell stories in a way that challenge, inspire, and bear truth. At the intersection of faith + life, my posts are encouraging and stretching - we all need some accountability.

Disappointment, Blog Alecia Swoope Disappointment, Blog Alecia Swoope

Know Better Blues

Have you ever known something to be true but weren’t quite sure how you knew? The source of the knowledge was so intangible and obscure, that the information was easy to dismiss. In reality, that truth doesn’t disappear just because we don’t acknowledge it.

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Disappointment, Faith, Blog Alecia Swoope Disappointment, Faith, Blog Alecia Swoope

Blind Works

Today, I saw something brand new – something dark in me was enlightened. In the bible times, blindness was completely debilitating. There were no modern or technological advancements such as braille, things that talk and help guide you, walking sticks, etc.

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Disappointment, Faith, Blog Alecia Swoope Disappointment, Faith, Blog Alecia Swoope

Nothing & Everything

In this photo we can only clearly see one thing. How foreign? We live in a fast paced, multi-dimensional, multi-faceted culture that pulls our hearts, our minds, our desires, our attention, our convictions, our values, our commitments—and don’t forget our pockets—in a million different directions all at one time.

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